"so, there no sekolah balai today? yess!!" putera bersuara.
"eh!" bonda dah nak naik angin. "kamu tak suka nak belajar agama ke?" tempelak bonda. bonda ingat pasal putera dah gian PS2.
"but.. people bullied me at sekolah balai" jawab putera.
"eh.. kan semua kawan2 kamu kat situ. sapa yang buli?" bonda terkejut. baru hari ni dia cakap. dan anak2 bonda selalunya suka ke sekolah pasal boleh berkawan.
"yes.. my friends bullied me. a** and a** did. sometimes h** and even a** did. only h**, a** and l** did not" jelas putera.
"if they're your friends why would they do that to you? what kind of friends are that? did you ever tell the teacher?" ayahanda pon dah panas.
"bcause they thought that i'm weak. they do the wresling moves to me. the teacher didn't do anything bcause they will do that to them." jelas putera.
"ok. i'll talk to the headteacher 1st or their parents. you're not going to sekolah balai next week. or i can also teach you some moves but that could be very dangerous. I do not teach my son to mengalah just to be bullied. that's it" berjela2 ayahanda membebel. inggeris ada melayu pon ada.
[Bonda: nampak sangat ayahanda tengah geram. kalau ada anjing menyalak kat situ tentu dah kena sepak]