"you are not allowed to play computer, ps2 and psp for 2 weeks. both here and at uncle's house. you can only watch tv but you cannot watch your favorite shows. let adik choose what program to watch."
ini hukuman yg paling teruk pernah putera tunggal kena. dengan muka sedih jawab putera. "oookeeey".
puteri sulong pon pernah kena tp puteri sulong jenis yg tak bermulut. senyap dan tak cakap apa2 terus masuk bilik dan buat kerja sendiri.
puteri tengah pulak tak sempat marah dah mengalir air mata dan teresak2.
yg special puteri bongsu aka "the boss".
"no! i'm not grounded. you busyuk banga" si rambut merah marah balik ayahanda.
"amboi. melawan ye! you are grounded and you cannot play computer for 2 weeks"
"it's not your computer! it is my computer and mummy"
[Bonda: tiap2 anak ada spesel dia]